Camp Wild

Camp Wild

Camp wild is a cozy summer camp tucked in away in the cozy woods of a pocket dimension home to numerous other beings and creatures of the woods. Only those who have been invited can enter, so it creates a safe space for everyone who comes to stay for a while. The woods are inhabited by something strange, that every counselor learns about but most of the children have only heard of in whispers, if at all.

Crow Cabin

The Crow Cabin is home to the bright, curious, and academic campers who came to the camp on a quest for knowledge. Known for being social and stubborn as well as bright, the kids in this cabin are always on the hunt for something to learn. The cabin itself is full of books and light from huge windows facing the camp, and in almost every nook and cranny there is a comfortable place to perch while reading a book. If there's anyone in need of research, especially pertaining to the woods and its inhabitants, they go to the Crow Cabin for help.

Falcon Cabin

The kids who call the Falcon Cabin home are impulsive, competitive, and confident. Perched right above the athletic fields and in a convenient spot near the infirmary, the Falcon Cabin is known for being rowdy and fast-paced. The cabin boasts a rock wall on one side and massive windows in all directions, letting light into the large lounge, which is multi-leveled, with ladders and ropes leading up to balconies and lofts where kids can hang out.

Otter Cabin

The creative and imaginative kids in the Otter Cabin are filled with curiosity and wonder at the world around them. Almost all of the kids in the cabin pursue an art of some form or another and are often seen sharing their talents with their bunkmates. The cabin is seperated from the rest by the creek and a bridge that connects them to the mainland. Placed inside a giant tree, the cabin is full of nests of blankets and bean bags, and is most known for the underwater art studio that boasts a dome of glass, allowing students to see the creatures that call the creek home.

Raccoon cabin

When one of the kids in the Racoon Cabin dissappears, it's almost always a sign that there are going to be major pranks pulled in the near future. The kids are chaotic, sneaky, resourceful, and playful, leading to them being notorious tricksters among the cabins. Their cabin is rigged with traps and simple machines, such as the tripwires attatched to alarm bells and the pulley system for getting heavy things up to the top, which is nestled in a grove of trees and features two small cabins. Inside the cabins, collections line the walls unoccupied by bunks or hammocks, and campers can be seen hanging out in the indoor swings or bean bags on the different levels. Like the falcon cabin, the kids in the Raccoon Cabin are active, and they boast an elaborate climbing structure, which is constantly being updated and rebuilt by the kids of the cabin.

Bobcat Cabin

Nestled in the cabin closest to the woods, the Bobcat Cabin kids are solitary and often seen as mysterious by the rest of the cabins. They are notoriously territorial and protective, so most kids outside of the cabin avoid getting close to the building if they can help it. Most of the kids are active in the evening and at night, usually reading, drawing, or exploring the camp. The kids don't like to admit it, but they're all protective of each other and have each others' back if things go wrong. Inside, the cabin is the cleanest cabin and features a massive skylight on the roof, opposite the bunk beds. The beds have a curtain around them, since most of the kids are up early if they make it to breakfast with the rest of the campers. The roof above the beds is covered in glow in the dark stars, since it is a tradition to put a star on the ceiling above your bunk when you first arrive, and then again before you leave for the last time. The bobcat kids also get to put up a star for a secret third thing, which only the older bobcat kids know, and they swear it a secret on their life.

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